
Monday, July 29, 2013

Dearest 90's, - My Love Letter to the 1990's!

Dearest 90’s,
I saw you Saturday night at Hershey Stadium Mix Tape Festival with your family... Boyz II Men, New Kids on the Block and TLC. Not sure if you saw me, but I definitely saw you! I entered your backyard in the pouring rain; you walked right past me not even seeing me. You never knew the love I had for you. Every time I hear your songs or see your shows it takes me back to a time when the world was so new, so real, and some how simpler.

See 90’s, you gave birth to a new type of female. You exposed me to their music even when I wasn’t ready. You showed me what sexy look liked when you introduced me to En Vogue, and I told the boys they were “Never Gonna Get It”. Then you helped me to escape with Xscape, and we “Just Kicked It” in the basement. Digital Underground did the Humpty Dance, and WU TANG CLAN introduced us C.R.E.A.M. and at the end of the day you always knew, “Today was a Good Day!” If I was feeling trapped in a bad situation, En Vogue reminded me I just needed a positive change and free my mind. TLC encouraged me not to go chasing waterfalls or mess with scrubs and SWV taught me to admit when I was so weak in the knees I could hardly speak.

90’s you entered my house via “the Box” and introduce me to so much, Rap MTV, THE BASEMENT, VH1 and so much more! I simultaneously looked up to you and identified with you, you made me part of your family.

I just wanted you to know that I miss your denim and plaid along with your Keds, high-top Reeboks, those sparkly, plastic Jelly shoes and our 1 strap Jean jumpers! I miss your shoulder length hair with the smell of Strawberry Shampoo to match, you always had your hair tightly curled with a side bang and some "door knockers" to top. I think I even miss those hideous, chunky Doc Martens. When else was it cool to wear almost the exact same outfit as your friends and be considered Cute! Let’s not forget the need for Cabbage Patch Dolls, Trapper Keeper Notebooks, Lisa Frank folders, and troll pencil toppers were all a must have.

90’s you taught me what it meant to be a friend, you always showed me why I shouldn’t use drugs everyday after school at 4PM. You met me at home before my mom did. I learned more important life lessons from Saved by the Bell and Boy Meets World than from anywhere else, and who can forget the show with the greatest theme song of all time: Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
You taught me “Something’s in my heart”, and it was OK that “Baby Got Back”, you let me and my friends know it was OK to always be “Hanging Tuff”! You gave us real gangsters and OG’s with real life stories. Gangsters like Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G (R.I.P!), Mo Money, Mo Problems; those are words to live by.

Oh 90’s, I even miss late nineties bubble- gum pop. The contagious boy bands like N’sync and the girls like Britney Spears, Not to mention, No Doubt, and of course Destiny’s Child to name a few.

Your girls treated me like family and to this day I will always remember my 1st Love!
Thank You 1990’s you made me what I am today.
I wish my children could have met you.

Missing You,
Simply Gorgeous

Friday, July 26, 2013

Can something be learned from the Carter's marriage?

I've never look up to any ones marriage for being perfect. But I can honestly say the Carter marriage is a perfect example of the ideal partnership.  Watching the recent YouTube footage with Jay surprising Bey and running up behind her during her concert in Philly is priceless.
A marriage is more than kissy face and sharing a bank account.

Being able to Maintain individuality and having the ability to grow together is important.  And making sure to be the number one supporter is always needed.

You can't come into a relationship with no room to grow, if that's the case what the hell am I here for! You have to grow together or someone is going to grow apart.

Being married for 20 months, and being together for 16 years, I believe we have built a platform to determine what makes my relationship work. My relationship and your relationship will always be different, but to use the key points given in any way you see fit should get you off to a good start.

First you should develop a foundation together. In the words of Drake, started from the bottom now we're here. (We have come a long, long way.) You want to build a house? Don't start with the roof.

Keep your relationship personal, your relationship your business! Your relationship should be a special refuge between two people. The highs and lows are something you celebrate and deal with together. Its OK to tell your girlfriends some things, but not everything.

Communicate. Tell each other your dreams, goals and fears. Opening up and sharing is an opportunity to gain insight and trust.

Laugh at each other. Having the ability to let your guard down is amazing. Knowing that you can be you is a gift in itself. So go ahead and show how clumsy you really are!

This is just a couple of points that came to mind tonight and I thought I should share them.

Simply Gorgeous

Stitch Fix Friday!!

Get your own personal stylist @stitchfix

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Updates! Imma about that Blog Life....

So it has been nearly a week and my blog is under way. I just added a page to the Blog, "woop, woop!!" Please leave a comment, tell me what you think, this is a work in progress. Everyday I am learning more about that blog life.

Let me introduce you to the 1st page "FASHION AND THE BEAST", every page has a story and every story has a meaning. On this page creativity and style is born, not by me of course, but by everyone else. Local, high-end, handmade, whatever it may be, let me know and I will feature it here.

I wanna thank you all so much for going on this journey with me. I am so excited about how this Blog, not sure how this is going to unfold, I feel like just had a baby! (By no means is it as exciting as Kate's new bundle of Joy)
Hold on tight, its going to be a bumpy ride! Really, this site is under construction

Til next time, always be Simply Gorgeous!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fiscal Literacy. Houston I have a problem!

Is this glass half empty or half full?
For the past couple of months my glass has been EMPTY.

As a parent you play many roles in your day to day life: Wife, mother, coach, financial planner/accountant, home manager, stylist, home decorator, chef, doctor, psychologist, and Yourself. (The last one I never have time for )
Home Management, in my opinion is the hardest of all. I’m on a mission to get organized, not only my home, but myself and my finances. Since I began this blogging chapter of my life, "Living a Double Life", it has helped me understand me. Putting my thoughts on paper or computer for others to read holds me accountable to every decision I make.
This is my life for the world to see, and since I am changing and growing like we all are, what perfect platform to address an issue that remains the biggest elephant in my life. 

Debt. The new four letter word of the day is Debt.........
We all have it, I know I do, I know we all hate it, but how can I live with out it?

I love people like Dave Ramsey & Suze Orman, their words of wisdom always seem to spark a fire in me, but it just won't stay lit! I just wish I could take the information and use it for one month, with out paying the bills due that month. Ha! As if that will ever happen.

So I found an simpler way!

With a mountain of student debt and a brand new house, car loans, credit cards, personal loans and a shopping addiction I feel like we are going to be in debt forever.

So from this day on, I am beginning a 30 DAY Debt Cleanse.
This year I have participated in many 30 day challenges, 1. squat challenge, 2. ab challenge, 3. 24 day Advocare challenge, 4. 30 day runners challenge and many more. Why not do the 30 day Financial challenge.


Dominique has a Awesome site for Young and old wanting to change their future. Thanks Dominique for your 30 day challenge.

So stay tuned. I am going to complete this even if it means no bottle popping for a month or hanging out with my girls. My future retirement depends on this, I'm no fun if I'm BROKE!!

til' next time, be Simply Gorgeous!!!

Join the 30-Day Financial Literacy Month Money Challenge! | Dominique Broadway

Join the 30-Day Financial Literacy Month Money Challenge! | Dominique Broadway

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Netflix for Clothes! My 1st Stitch Fix Review

My first Stitch Fix arrived today! I have been eyeing this site for some time now. For $20 a month you receive five hand picked clothing and accessory items to try in the comfort of your home. With a $20 styling fee that goes towards anything that you choose to keep and if you love everything, you get 25% off.
My Box:
Everything was cute, but everything didn't look good on me. 1. Sheer Green tab sleeve Blouse 2. Striped black white sleeveless top 3. Mint green chain necklace 4. Striped red orange tank 5. Chain link dress.
I kept the necklace (it goes with everything!), and the Sheer green top, I placed everything else in the pre-paid bag for drop off. I think I’m addicted already. It was so convenient and exciting to open a box of goodies from my own personal stylist…thanks Sarah! For the most part, Everything fit my preferences, but my breast always tend to cause a lot of problems in the top/blouse area! If everything was my size and a little cheaper I would have purchased the whole collection.
The entire collection was $213 (saving about $91 off retail prices including my $20.00 & 25% off deal ). I can’t wait to get my next fix in a few weeks. Have you tried Stitch Fix? Tell me what you think!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Appreciate the socks you pick up

I miss the kiddies!

The kids have been gone for 24 hours. Since they have been gone I haven't yelled, or said "yes, I'm right here", " no", "clean up".
As happy as I should be right now, I'm actually bored and sad. I miss my trio, they really are my world! Did I mention they are 45 minutes away....
Curtis, Coryne and Cameron I love you

What's a three letter word for Angel......Mom.

Growing up, I thought my mom was amazing, she was young, vibrant, strong and in the Army. It wasn't until my unbalanced teenage years approached and in my eyes she couldn't do anything right. I was never mouthy or disrespectful, but there were times when I though I was dropped into the wrong Womb. Today Mom and I are best friends. Like many non- traditional families Mom was the Go-To person for everything. She was super mom! Mom of all trades, she made me feel like we were rich when we really were not. At work today I had the privilege of talking with a mom of a disabled patient. This mom could have been bitter, but she wasn't, this mom could have been mean, but she wasn't, this mom could have hated the world for making her daughter disabled, but she didn't. I’ve heard it said that being a Mother gives you the opportunity to see your heart walking right in front of you. In saying that, there may be some of you who are reading this and can’t relate. Let me attempt to bring some perspective to this. Try and imagine your heart outside of your body. Imagine it walking around right in front of you. Yes, I am talking about your HEART. If it was in front of you, in the world, we would all do everything to protect it from….. EVERYTHING! We wouldn’t want it to get dirty, to be touched, we would want it to be far away from anything that could harm it. We wouldn't want it to be looked at inappropriately, to be spoken to with disrespect, to be disregarded in any way…. it’s our heart for heaven’s sake, it gives life, provides so much and is so necessary for our lives to continue.. This is what it feels like to be a mother, and this is what I saw in this parent. I write this today in honor of all the Mothers who are doing their best, trying their hardest and loving their babies through every stage, hurdle and emotion that comes their way. I was prompted to write this after seeing this amazing parent, it's parents like this that truly brings expression to the emotions and the ties we have to our children. If she ever reads this blog, please don't be upset, I just want you to know, that what you do is being seen and admired through out the clinic!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Peach cobbler, impromptu snack.

Every woman has that favorite dessert, turned snack that they make at the drop of a hat. 

This special dessert gets better every time I cook it. My favorite dessert is peach cobbler. I make peach cobbler when I'm bored, stressed, or just want to make something fun for the family. I love to make peach cobbler, it seems as if I always have all of the ingredients in my house at any given time I want to whip up a cobbler. I use flour and pancake mix (my secret). I follow this recipe I attached. I add either raisins, craisins, nuts etc. You can make it any way you want. Its like life, it represents my life. I try to take the original formula and add a touch of me! Everyone loves my cobbler,  like everyone loves my family. You can't get any better than that, dig in!

Til next time, always be Simply Gorgeous!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lancaster Hero, lets talk about this

A local boy from Lancaster, PA helped save a 5 year old female from a sick wacko. A 51 year old man kidnapped the little girl while she was outside playing.
This story was much needed after the recent Trayvon Martin trial; which Zimmerman was found not guilt.

Faith hope love. Who can ask for anything more!

I'm Back!!!

So much has happened since my last post. My life has changed dramatically for the better. I am now Mrs. Ebonne Davis! So much is different, Obama is in office for a second term, Beyonce had Blue Ivy, Kanye and Kim K had North West (no comment ) and our judicial system acquits grown men for killing teenage boys who walk in the rain! Man do I have a lot to catch up on.

Going into this blog the second time around its going to be different. My life is not the same, my world is so much different. I am not only living in PA, my life is PA.

I have learned a lot about me, growing up in Baltimore is not who I am, but what is a part of me and this is what has made me the strong, determined, independent black female I am today. In my skin, my beautiful skin at the age of 32 I think its time for me to make a difference, but what? What is the difference I want to see in the world, I think that difference has to start with me.
Please follow my journey as I try to change a little at a time. Every small step is worth a thousand words. This journey is only the beginning,  My goal is to post something everyday. What can I do to change some ones life, what can I do to change mine.

Life's journey is never over, just reinventing its self everyday. So tell your neighbor tell a friend, let's be the change we all want to see! let's go!!!!!